Thursday, November 27, 2008

Just a little rant before I get in to what I really want to post.

I am going to post another blog momentarily but i wanted to get this out first. I know its seems like all I do is complain on here sometimes, but hey, its my outlet. so down to business.....

Ever get tired of helping people and getting bit in the butt for it? well I am. It seems like every time Josh and I try to help someone out, in almost any way, we end up getting the raw end of the deal or pulled into some drama that we have nothing to do with. Some of you know about the recent "I'm-cheating-on-my-husband-so-I'm gonna-kill-myself" psycho neighbor drama. Just another example of our trying to be there for people and it turning out bad. The most recent however, is a former friend of mine, who lives close to us. She came over a few months ago half hysterical begging my husband to come kick her back door in because her 2 year old had locked her out and the baby was on the floor crying. It was like 930pm. So Josh goes over there, before he does it asks her if she understands that they housing office may not be happy about this, and she gave him the go ahead. So he does it. He didn't destroy the door, just bent the lock. Well now 3 months later her husband (who works with mine) is going around work running his mouth about my husband talking about how he cost them $1400 for breaking the door. All Josh was trying to do was help a half hysterical mother and this dude wasnt even home at the time. I dont know what the deal is (i do know that the $1400 thing has to be BS because it wouldnt even come close to taking that much to fix that door). But I am soooo tired of this kind of thing happening. It really shouldnt surprise me though, this isnt the first time this particular couple has screwed us over, but it will certainly be the last. I'm done. josh is going to confront this guy as soon as he sees him next. any way, I dont want anyone to think that I think we should get pats on the back or a parade but not getting raked over the coals would be that thats out of my system.....

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