Friday, September 26, 2008


If you are military and have kids you probably know this, but have you ever noticed the change in your kids, even very young kids, when daddy's away? My husband left about 2 weeks ago...ever since then my 2 year old has been testing me. Doing things she normally doesnt do. Like drawing on her self...this is not normal for Abby. She knows better. This lovely pic of her "art work" was taken the day after he left. Whats even better is when I asked her if she was supposed to draw on herself her answer was "no mommy". i dont know what we are going to do when he leaves on cruise...Zanzax maybe....I realize they are young and dont know how to deal with daddy being here then daddy being gone very well...but its enough to drive mommy nuts.

Now we are in North Carolina. Dont get me wrong, I love being home but sometimes it just adds to the stress. Cuz not only is daddy away but we are not with Mawmaw and Pawpaw 24/7. So its extra hard on mommy to keep up discipline and routines. So far Abby has gone to bed at her normal bed time all of almost 2 weeks. Yay me! Any way...enough "complaining". Its kind of humorous in a way. For instance, I told her no the other day. And she was fine with it until mawmaw came in the was like a light switch got flipped. we went from happy and ok to a meltdown in 2.4 seconds. i just sat there and laughed because it was honestly was sooooo obvious. Zach has been doing well. We are in the process of weaning...he like to in order to save myself an unbelievable amount of pain...we're weaning. He's funny because when he's done with his bottle he throws it. I dont mean just lets go and it drops, I mean this kid chunks the thing as far as possible. He has a surprisingly strong arm for 6 mo.

I bought him his first car yesterday. i had to get something to keep him in one place for more than 2 seconds...he is into EVERYTHING since he became mobile...although he's not a fan of "driving" for works for at least a little while. He still would rather "roam"...why my kid decided to start crawling at 4 months we my never know. All I can say is its because he wants to keep up with his sister. I can tell he misses his daddy too. He is a serious daddy's boy. Any time Josh walks in a room he will break his neck to see him. And heaven forbid Josh doesnt speak to him when he comes in. I think its sweet though, but you can tell that he misses his daddy. I think we will all be much happier when Josh gets home. Ok enough of my ramblings for now.....

1 comment:

proud2Bmomma said...

Just so you know, even children of daddy's who AREN'T deployed do this when they aren't getting enough Daddy time. It is very obvious, especially with my son, when Daniel has been working say a 70 hour week instead of a 50 or 60 hour week. BIG DIFFERENCE when Daddy isn't home no matter where he is!!! God bless you, Malinda. I really just don't think I could do what you do.